A blog about the Yearout family - currently Jeff, Jen, our baby boy Bradley, and our two little maniacal Cocker Spaniels, Harvey and Daisy. We hope you enjoy keeping up with our doings!

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Bradley's One Year Pictures

Its hard to believe it has been a year - how time flies!

Easter Pics!

What a fun and funny Easter with Bradley and the other boys! It was very chilly for our little front yard Easter egg hunt, the pic of the boys at church was an up-the-nose adventure, and getting any of them to look the direction you want when you want is nearly impossible at this age. Thank goodness they're all cute!

Saturday, April 05, 2008

Our Friend Nicolas - Karate Competition

Nicolas Karate Weapons April 5 Video 1 from Jeff Yearout on Vimeo.
Nicolas won his round on this one!

Nicolas Karate Weapons April 5 Video 2 from Jeff Yearout on Vimeo.
Nicolas finshed fourth overall in weapons!